HISTORIC HACIENDAS All across Mexico, from the western sections near Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara, clear through to the Yucatan in the south and east, numerous "haciendas", or plantations, grew up where wealthy landowners built houses or complexes to live and work. Often these included mills where the items were actually made. In the west it was cattle barons, in the central parts of the country it was sugar plantations, and in the Yucatan it was henequin or hemp plantations. Most included colonial or neo-colonial Spanish architecture since the owners were inevitably of pure-ish Spanish extraction, and quite a few have been rescued and restored to inns and boutique hotels throughout the country. Here we have chosen a selection of what we call "tesoros de Mexico," treasures of Mexico, hardly known about outside the country. Hacienda San Gabriel de las Palmas, Morelos state This former sugar plantation about 2 hours south of Mexico City has been turned into a gorgeous boutique hotel that features, as its name would suggest, numerous palm trees and lush vegetation that seems to have overrun numerous of its buildings. Hacienda San Antonio, Colima state This was an actual coffee plantation in the shadow of the large Colima volcano near Colima city in the southwest part of the country (south from Guadalajara). Now it is an extraordinary luxury boutique hotel with just 25 rooms ready to be explored and enjoyed. Hacienda Santa Rosa, Yucatan state A hemp plantation dating back to the 19th century, this luxury boutique hotel between Merida and Campeche features large historic grounds beautifully restored. Truly a delight for the senses! [MANY MORE TO COME!]

Mar de la Sonda #16, Colonia Popotla, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico, D.F. 11400   (55) 5341-4337

110 Jean Marie Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 94568 (415) 236-1650